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Meet the F&I winners: Sub-Prime Performance of the Year

Updated: Feb 26, 2019

The leading lights in the UK’s finance and insurance sector came together at New Dock Hall, Leeds in October of last year, for the annual industry celebration – the F&I Conference and Awards.

The judging panel was made up of the cream of the UK’s F&I industry – so bagging one of the awards was no easy feat. Over the past few weeks, we’ve been meeting some of the winners, to find out what victory means to them…

Next up it’s Oliver Mackaness, managing director and shareholder at Billing Finance, who picked up the award for Sub-Prime Performance of the Year.

Congratulations on scooping up this accolade, Oliver. First and foremost, what is your role in the business?

I am the managing director and shareholder at Billing Finance.

What does being recognised as Sub-Prime Performance of the Year mean to you, personally?

This is the third time in a row we have been selected for this award, so I feel honoured we have won again in 2018. We are only a small, family owned business and to get this recognition is a great reward for the hard work and dedication our staff put into the company.

What does it mean to the rest of Billing Finance to be awarded this accolade?

It means a lot to the company to be crowned in the Sub-Prime Performance of the Year category. We really do pride ourselves in putting our customers at the heart of everything we do, and this acknowledges us of this.

It’s really important to reward brands that put ‘treating consumers fairly’ at the top of their agenda, and it’s a great way to further improve our reputation in the finance industry.


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